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Public Comment Meeting

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Comment Meeting will be held by the Homer Town Board on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Town of Homer Senior Center (basement), 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY 13077 regarding amending the Town’s comprehensive plan and zoning to allow billboards along Interstate Route 81. At the present time the zoning law prohibits such off-premises signs. A request has been made that the comprehensive plan and zoning law be amended to allow billboards in areas which are zoned industrial and/or business, north of the Village of Homer.

All interested parties will be heard. If you would like to speak at the meeting, a sign-up sheet will be available at the Town Clerk’s Office and at the meeting. Speakers will be called in order of the sign-up sheet, with two minutes permitted per speaker. Written comments are encouraged and may be sent by regular mail or email to the Town Clerk’s Office. Following the public comment session, the Town Board may consider a motion to either move forward with or stop the requested comprehensive plan and zoning amendments. There will be additional opportunities for public comments in the future if the Board votes to move forward with the process.

A vote to move forward is just the beginning of the planning and zoning process and does not represent final approval of any planning or zoning amendments. An affirmative vote will authorize the Board to initiate the SEQR process, consider potential Comprehensive Plan and Local Law amendments, and initiate associated reviews with County Planning, DOT, and any other involved agencies. A final vote on any potential Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Law amendments would be held at a future special Town Board meeting to deal with this issue only. The process will allow multiple opportunities for public comment.

Heather M. Hill Homer Town Clerk
On Behalf of the Homer Town Board 31 North Mian Street
Homer, New York 13077 (607)749-4581
