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Town Board Meeting

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Town of Homer
Board Meeting
Preliminary Agenda
September 6, 2023, 6:30 P.M.
Location: Town Board Room
Minutes: From the August 2, 2023, Meeting.
Monthly Reports:
1. The Town Clerk’s report of all receipts and disbursements for August 2023
2. The Supervisor’s reports of all financial activities through July 2023
3. The Code Enforcement Officer’s report on all building permits issued for August 2023
4. The Dog Officer’s report for August 2023
-Councilmember to audit the bills-
Voucher Numbers #453 –
Totaling $
Voucher Numbers #327 –
Totaling $
1. September 20th, 2023, Special Meeting
2. NYS hosting meeting on October 5th & 6th at Town Hall Senior Center
3. CDBG October 1st letter
4. Approve money for QuickBooks training & installation on computer/server
5. 2023 Village Recreation contract
6. Cleaning service?
7. Loader and prices
8. John Phelps – Highway Superintendent
9. Pat Snyder – Attorney for the Town
10. Legislator
11. Other