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Town Board Meeting

This event has ended

All regular Town Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday of the month in the Senior Center located in the basement of the Town Hall at 31 North Main Street in Homer at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Masks are required and social distancing will be practiced.

Board Meeting Preliminary Agenda

February 2, 2022




  1. Add HSA,Health Ins,BAR checks, and Planning and Zoning checks to January list of bills ok to pay before Board Mt.
  2.  Air purifier’s for clerk’s office?
  3.  Zoning Fees
  4.  Insurance Law regarding sharing savings with employee.
  5.  Sign card for Brian Fitts’s
  6.  Court Audit and resolution by Kevin Williams
  7.  Report on Wall and Pine St Bridges
  8.  Update on Solar discussion with EDF and Cortlandville.
  9.  Receive and file letter regarding inspection of Country Acres.
  10.  Association of Towns Annual Mtg.
  11.  Audit of Paid Bills on Thursday 02/03/22. By ?
  12.  Village Rep Mr. Ed Finkbinder.
  13.  Wedding Barn Law.
  14.  Meeting with Village regarding use of basement for Seniors and Police Dept.
  15.  Appoint Caitlyn Brown as Deputy Assessor thru July 1st, 2022.
  16.  Budget adjustments for 2021.
  17.  Other
  18.  John
  19.  Pat
  20.  legislative representative